Automobile Self-Insurance

University employees and authorized users are covered for automobile liability insurance while operating a vehicle that is owned, leased or borrowed by the University for official University business. Risk Advisory and Insurance Services (RAIS) manages the Auto-Self Insurance Program which provides coverage for auto incidents that may cause bodily injury or property damage to a third party and also provides coverage to repair physical damage to a University owned or leased vehicle listed on UCSF Vehicle Inventory List.

If you are involved in an accident, please contact UCPD immediately and report the incident. All incidents, but especially those involving another party, must be reported to RAIS within 24 hours. All claims submitted for repair cost to University vehicles are subject to a $500 deductible per occurrence.

report an incident

Employees may be covered while operating their personal vehicles on UC business. The employee’s personal insurance will be primary coverage and employees must carry the minimum liability limits of $50,000 per person for bodily injuries, $100,000 for two or more person bodily injuries and $50,000 for property damage. The department may also reimburse employees up to $500 toward repairing damage to employees' vehicles or reimbursement of their deductible which ever is less. You should file a claim with RAIS should you or an employee be involved in an accident using their own vehicle. Guidelines on using your personal vehicle for work purposes.

If you need to rent a vehicle while on a business trip, you should use Connexxus to book your rental. The contracts with these agencies have special pre-negotiated rates which include additional coverages for any damage you may cause to the rental vehicle and for liability coverage for injuries or damages you may cause to others while driving the rental vehicle. Please keep in mind that you may find a cheaper rate elsewhere, but these important coverages are not included and may be the responsibility of your department if these agreements are not used. Please review the Supply Chain Management Travel and Entertainment information for guidelines on business travel. More information on rental policies is available in Connexxus:

A complete listing of all travel liability and insurance requirements can be found in the Policy and Regulations Governing Travel: UCOP policy G-28. For more specific information regarding automobile and liability insurance coverage for employees traveling on University business, please see the following UCOP web page:

Effective July 1, 2008 there are several new laws restricting the use of cellular phones while driving. The official U.C. policy relating to the purchase and use of cellular phones is located at

The Workers’ Compensation Self-Insured Program covers injuries sustained by employees while in the course and scope of employment. Each employee is advised to complete a Beneficiary Designation Form in the unlikely event there is an accidental death or dismemberment while traveling on official University business.

If you have questions, please feel free to contact Aracely Nunez, Property and Auto Risk Analyst at 415.514.2869.